Freitag, 27. Juli 2012


Hello summer!
The warm weather finally came over to Germany! The kids enjoy all the sunshine and water play.
Surprisingly Lotta is picking and eating less grass then she used to and is crawling more around the yard to explore and see what everybody else is doing.

Lotta loves to swing as high as she can :)

Jason is playing in his new sensory bin. It's beach theme with play sand, shells, rocks, a sandcastle and of course water.

Freitag, 20. Juli 2012

Marble painting

A few weeks ago we did a marble painting. It's a easy and fun art project.

What you need:

Finger paint
shoe box top
Paint brush
Cup with water
Damp cloth

To get started we put the paper in the shoe box top-we just folded the paper edges to fit it in. And then we added the paint! We tried to put paint on the marbles and then roll them on the paper but it was easier and less messy to just drip some paint on the paper and roll the marbles through the paint. 
After Jason finished one painting we cleaned the marbles by putting them on the damp cloth and put a new paper in the shoe box.
It's a good art project to teach hand eye coordination and also mixing colors.

Jason putting marbles in the paint.

Letting the marbles roll by moving the shoe box top around.

The finished paintings

This one is my favorite!It looks like fireworks to me :) 
The last one was made without adding new paint, just using the old paint left on the marbles.

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012

A farm visit

We went to visit to farm nearby today. After a lot of rain the sun came out and I took Jason outside on his balance bike.
He is pretty good on riding it :)
We really love it! He is much faster on it then with a tricycle or by foot.

His normal route is to stop by the horses and then go see the cows.

I used to come to those stables as a child the see all the horses. It brings back a lot of memories and is nice that Jason is able to make his own on the same place.
However I could not move back to this village even if it is a nice place to grow up as a child! 

Jason knows the farm so well he knows exactly where to go. He also knows the difference between a dairy cow and a galloway cow. He can tell you all about the tools and name the farm equipment.
I always find it amazing what those little brains can remember!

Samstag, 14. Juli 2012

Rainy days

In the last days we had rain, rain and more rain here in Germany!
But yesterday the sun came out and we could finally go outside to play.
Jason loves to play in the puddles in front of my parents house. He is running through them, jumping in and over them and is having the best time.
Who needs a pool to play during the summer when you have puddles to play in ;)
But to be honest, I would prefer some warm weather and the pool! But we a re trying to make the best out of this rainy summer! 

 And that's how we are dressed rain boots, rain pants and most of the time rain coat or umbrella :D

Earlier that day we decided to make waffles to keep a little boy busy and happy!
He loves to help me bake and get into the dough afterwards.
 And Carlotta was playing on the floor while we were busy baking, she even tried a little piece of a waffle. YUM

Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2012

My first time

I wanted to start blogging for a while and now that we are gone for so long, I thought it would be a great way for our friends back home to see what we are up to every day and see the kids grow!
We miss home and can't wait to come home as soon as we are allowed to! But we try to make the best out of it and enjoy the time with out family that we see so rarely!

I hope that this will also be a place for me to post all the crafty things I do with the kids and the craft I do :)
We will see how much time the kids will give me to post ;)